Helping patients through the pandemic and beyond
In a year like no other, the PAN Foundation made a difference in the lives of more than 170,000 economically vulnerable grant recipients, providing $454 million in financial assistance.
We also expanded our offerings to address every patient’s needs more holistically, adding seven new funds, including transportation assistance and our first mental health fund. Each grant helped someone afford prescription copays, transportation to get to the doctor, and even groceries and daily expenses for those affected by COVID-19.

Pivoting during the pandemic
The people we serve were among the hardest hit by the pandemic—our average grant recipient lived on less than $27,434 in 2020. We quickly launched a COVID-19 assistance fund to help more than 8,500 people affected by the virus with groceries and other daily essentials.

Helping each other through the pandemic
We were awed by the determination of our grant recipients and their willingness to help others, despite the challenges of distancing and health concerns. Sue Greene’s story epitomized the resilience of our grant recipient community.

I can’t help as many people [as I used to], but I’ve found ways to still be helpful.
Sue Greene Read Sue’s story
We were also inspired by the provider and pharmacy community, who went above and beyond to ensure continuity of care for patients. We could have filled the pages of our annual report with the stories of these healthcare heroes, like Natasha Olson. We are grateful to count her among the thousands of dedicated healthcare providers and pharmacies in our community.

I knew that every day I came to work I had the opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life.
Natasha Olson Read Natasha’s story
Accelerating advocacy
Our country’s safety net has been failing Medicare beneficiaries who are seriously ill for years. 2020 underscored the urgency for reforms to provide much needed relief to older adults and people with disabilities. We accelerated our advocacy work toward long-term policy solutions that center patients’ needs and improve healthcare access and affordability.

Looking ahead with our leadership

I would like to recognize and thank our donors, partners, providers, pharmacies, and staff for their dedication to and support of the PAN Foundation’s mission during such a challenging year.
Susan C. Rucker, Board Chair

When we started 2020, we had no idea what was in store for us, and even now, it’s hard to picture a post-pandemic world. But one thing is certain—PAN will be there to help.
Dan Klein, President & CEO